How To Fix Lag Issues And Dll Missing Errors On Games?

Directx errors can cause a lot of problems to users in realtime. Have you formatted your system recently and facing lag issues right in the windows screen during minimizing and maximizing pages,browsing internet and playing videos and games? Then you are a victim of directx error unless you have outdated video card drivers. The symptoms can vary from a mere lag to random BSOD (Blue screen of death) during heavy 3D applications are used. 

Then here is the right place you have come for a solution.

What is Directx?

Directx is a collection of technologies by Microsoft, Which helps in running applications in rich multimedia and 3D. It accelerates video rendering and 3D rendering in rich multimedia applications. Despite directx have all supporting dll-s, you would face issues running your favourite application or a game. The errors can also arise from a corrupted windows installation/repaired installation or an broken installation (Turned off while installing an update)

Errors Discussed

This type of errors are common in any system,even when fully updated.There are temporary solutions and permanent solutions.The temporary solutions can turn tedious and one wouldnt recommend it once done himself.

The temporary solution is to download the dll file from a dll sharing website, namely and copying it to your system 32 folder
(c drive:windows/system32)-----32 bit versions
(c drive:windows/syswow64)---64 bit versions

But, BEWARE, this type of copy-pasting is not secure in all cases as the dll files may be infected, also, fixing one dll error may lead to another dll error, then another and so on. This kills a lot of time and everytime you install a new app you must download the dll-s particular to that app

The permanent solution is to download the full collection of directx updates from microsoft and update all dll files as necessary (installer will do it automatically)
There are two types of download modes.

  • Online-This allows you to get all updates which are missing and needs a strong,fast internet connection as around 160mb of data is downloaded from the servers realtime. The directx-web setup is just around 300Kb in size and one can download it easily
    Install the web setup and it will connect to servers and start downloading data, and after updating and installing, VOILA, your system is perfect (A restart required in older versions--Windows xp,vista)

    Download the web installer from here

    From Microsoft

  • Offline-This allows you to install updates offline,so that you can download the installer from a cafe and run it on your pc with no internet connection.This installer is just 100mb in size and with a broadband connection, one can easily download it in less than 30 minuites (512Kbps DSL)

    Download offline installer from here

    From Microsoft

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